« DAY 2 »

Living Freedom, Now

« DAY 2 »

Living Freedom, Now
Paris, 26.11.2017

« Day 2 » consists of collective experiences in the streets of Paris. Created by Agathe Simon, these experiences question the limits between visible and invisible, group and individual, as well as  action and nonaction. They are inspired by anthropologist Edward T. Hall and are drawn from certain collective streams found in the animal world.

How to live freedom, now? By subtly subverting everyday situations, these experiences provide an opportunity to reinvent the connection with the self and the others within the public space: “Walking in Paris as a Unique Person”, “Simply Breathing”, “Observing, Noting, and Restoring to Passers-by”.

Video (image & sound) and photographs: Noémie Bourdin Habert
Video (direction & editing): Agathe Simon

Our Experiences